
22 Jan 2019by Chris Weir

#023 – The $1.00 Per Day Rule

Proactively engaging with your audience is one of the most difficult things I have found to discipline myself on.  I guess I think about it like I am just chatting at the watercooler, which is just a waste of time.  However, we must think about proactive engagement with our audience as marketing, not just chatting.  We are trying to earn their attention.


If we do not have our audience’s attention, they will never want to learn more about our business.  We must prove that we want a relationship, not just say.  The $1.00 per day rule will help you get there.  Ad your .02¢ 25 times per day, and you will be on your way.


Business: [email protected]



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Facebook – Daily Weirdo: https://www.facebook.com/Daily-Weirdo-436581700202611/

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Website: https://thechrisweir.com/

Podcast: https://anchor.fm/thechrisweir

Two Second Media: https://twosecondmedia.com

Wine Down Therapy: http://www.winedowntherapy.com/

Categories: Daily Weirdo