
23 Jan 2019by Chris Weir

#024 – Social Media Advertising – Yes or No?

The thing about marketing and advertising, is that our tools are continually evolving.  What worked yesterday may not work today and probably won’t work tomorrow.  But then again, it might.  The secret sauce is figuring that out.


However, the foundation remains the same… and that is attention.  Our purpose is still to connect someone who needs or wants something with someone who has it.  It really is that simple.


The best way to do that today, is through Facebook and Instagram Ads.  I generally do not recommend clients spend money on social media advertising, but you cannot ignore the performance of these two platforms.  Some of the best results I have seen in over 20 years in business.



Business: [email protected]



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Facebook – The Chris Weir: https://www.facebook.com/The-Chris-Weir-Experience-254027451926180/

Facebook – Daily Weirdo: https://www.facebook.com/Daily-Weirdo-436581700202611/

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Snapchat: http://snapchat.com/add/thechrisweir

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thechrisweir/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/thechrisweir

Website: https://thechrisweir.com/

Podcast: https://anchor.fm/thechrisweir

Two Second Media: https://twosecondmedia.com

Wine Down Therapy: http://www.winedowntherapy.com/

Categories: Daily Weirdo